Monday, October 24, 2011

Krystal of Nol's The 100 ShizNat Challenge in deviantART

Hello to all Mai-Multiverse members, hope all of you are doing well!

I wish to tell you that the ShizNat-FanClub on deviantART is doing 100 Theme Challenge, and if you have a deviantart account and are a ShizNat fan perhaps you would like to join, you just have to pick a number in this journal: The List and start with your drawing.

For The 100 ShizNat Challenge you can use Fujino, Kuga, Viola or Kruger, no matter if its Mai-HiME, Mai-Otome, Mai-HiME Destiny or Mai-HiME Unmei no Keitōju, all this is about Shizuru and Natsuki...ShizNat

These are the entries so far:

002. Love by DarkAileyba

017. Blood by Kodokuna-Horo

021. Vacation by NorgestaR

055. Waiting by Corystory

067. Playing the Melody by Bidden-Oblivion

100. Relaxation by Imya-o

Be be part of this challenge, please visit this link:


Now I must quote wetochan: ALL HAIL SHIZNAT!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mai-HiME Doujin: "Falling into You" by TransparentLight

Falling into You is a ShizNat doujinshi by deviantART's TransparentLight. She was kind enough to donate her doujin to ShizNat Webs for more fans to enjoy.

Please enjoy and support her deviantART page:

You can read "Falling into You" by visiting Light's dA page or by simply clicking this link: 'Falling Into You' on ShizNat Webs

~ Luu Sky Sapphire

Natsuki Kuga, Shizuru Fujino, 舞-HiME & 舞-乙HiME are copyright of SUNRISE